Friday, April 12, 2013

"What I Want to Say: Coreforms and Keywords" — Keiskamma embroidered tapestries arrive, and we put keyword 'Movement' front and center

"What I Want to Say: Coreforms and Keywords" continues at the "PopUp Loop" Gallery Space at 23 East Madison in Chicago until Sunday, April 21. "Movement" is one of the Keywords of our art action. Coreforms include the zero (circle), the one (vertical line), the dash (horizontal line) and the tilde (swash mark).  Today, we stenciled the word "Movement" on the front of the gallery space window which invited the interaction of many pedestrians.
The embroidered tapestries from the Keiskamma Art Project, Hamburg, South Africa, arrived yesterday, and we hung these artworks and several others in our temporary gallery space.  We look forward to our vernissage on Thursday, April 18, from 5 to 8pm.