Friday, November 29, 2013

Pow(d)er — Community Art

DOEprojekts' specially curated "Pow(d)er" (Powder Power) is a spice-herb blend with art-action inside! We invite you to participate — and make your next meal a work of art. Our limited-edition "Pow(d)er" includes:
garlic powder • nutmeg powder • onion powder • paprika powder • tomato powder • basil and oregano • 
two recipes and a stencil for you to cut and use with Pow(d)er (or any other art material of your choice). 

Each limited edition tin retails for $7.50 each. Purchase two for $13 and three for just $18. Cash or credit cards accepted. Visit Studio 516 on Dec 13, 5 to 10 pm, Fine Arts Building, 410 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, OR email, phone, or text us: or 1-847-977-0526.

Be Part of Community Art. Make and Support Local Culture. Collect Pow(d)er!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Workbook: Teaching Artist Collaborations at the Graham School, University of Chicago

DOE Projekts (Glenn Doering, Deborah Adams Doering) spent time in September and October investigating teaching artist collaborations as part of our "Workbook" series.

What did we discover?

1. Good communication is required amongst the collaborators.
2. Planning is essential.
3. Group synergy is helpful.
4. We can encourage each other to exceed ourselves.
5. Collaborations can be a lot of fun!

We thank the Graham School, University of Chicago, and also Hilesh Patel, group facilitator. We thank the participants and also Golden Acrylics for donating supplies for our last project.