Friday, November 29, 2013

Pow(d)er — Community Art

DOEprojekts' specially curated "Pow(d)er" (Powder Power) is a spice-herb blend with art-action inside! We invite you to participate — and make your next meal a work of art. Our limited-edition "Pow(d)er" includes:
garlic powder • nutmeg powder • onion powder • paprika powder • tomato powder • basil and oregano • 
two recipes and a stencil for you to cut and use with Pow(d)er (or any other art material of your choice). 

Each limited edition tin retails for $7.50 each. Purchase two for $13 and three for just $18. Cash or credit cards accepted. Visit Studio 516 on Dec 13, 5 to 10 pm, Fine Arts Building, 410 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, OR email, phone, or text us: or 1-847-977-0526.

Be Part of Community Art. Make and Support Local Culture. Collect Pow(d)er!