What makes a place inviting? What qualities and activities makes people want to visit, re-visit, and contribute?
In December 2012, DOE Projekts visited and participated (in various degrees) in University of Illinois' last "Re-thinking Soup" program, Jane Addams' Hull House exhibition "21st Century Home Economics" (specifically the work by Carole Lung) and Fenn House's final community fundraising event, led by Laura Shaeffer.
Qualities that made us want to linger: intellectual engagement, aesthetic displays, good lighting, good food, interesting conversations.
Activities that invited us to participate: question-and-answer sessions, invitations to contribute our work, clear needs and avenues for support.
DOE Projekts has been offered the 23 East Madison "Pop Up Loop Space" for March-April 2013. It is once again "our turn" to "make a place" for friends, family, and many others in a vacant store front at the Madison-State "Zero Point" in Chicago. We have begun to question, explore and create. We want to build upon our "JUST US AT WORK" efforts in Kassel. Your suggestions, participation, and support are welcome.